Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Technological advances on the internet are very important nowadays. This is due to the fact that demand from users is increasingly demanding and forcing the platform to evolve imperatively. Likewise, the digital system is growing at a dizzying rate. The place they occupy in the market is so wide and practically we can find it in any sector, no matter what its nature. So when it comes to a new way of thinking about the Internet, BITNATION has set out to provide the first truly digital, voluntary, democratic and decentralized digital state. Full matrix that does not work for the institution or third party but ultimately the user.
As mentioned above, the main idea of BITNATION is completely focused on people. For this reason, unique platforms have been built by and for the users themselves. In this way, the first goal of the program is to become a truly decentralized digital country.
The term decentralization refers to systems that do not depend on the type of institution or that, by default, transactions conducted in this context do not have to pass through intermediaries. This is how you can really offer a transparent platform in every way. And it also becomes very fast, that the philosophy lies in its proximity.
Depending on no other agents, anyone is eligible to join BITNATION whenever they want. You can create your own group or team if you want it ("holon"). The word holon can save some profit or not; everything will depend on the individual.
It also enables communities living within this digital ecosystem to build link feedback with portals. At any time you can rest in the technological structure offered by the BITNATION community.
Characteristics of BITNATION
As expected, this platform has some unique features that benefit the whole community and also serves to make BITNATION a truly unique system that is original in every technology on offer.
It should first be mentioned that BITNATION relies on security and transparency, which is the basic principle governing every transaction. This is possible thanks to the platform's own PAT token. These can be combined in excellent form for all types of digital wallets. Similarly, the contract is open source and can be found in GitHub.
Mentioned also that the technology used is Frontier. BITNATION is a secure mesh network that allows easy and secure access. Inclusive, it is possible to log onto the platform via a chat-type interface that serves to guide in a simple and fun way for each user.
The P2P Agreement is another fundamental pillar, enabling the market within the portal to be fully decentralized. Agreements can be made equally without unexpected problems or obstacles. It is important to point out that ecosystems offer different options to users to achieve the desired equity. It will be possible to choose an arbitrator for each operation. Even the same user can be one if he has the necessary requirements.
Finally, this is the highest point of this exciting project. Have enough power to create a digital Nation (its creators call it Decentralization of the Voluntary Nation) open to all. The choices vary greatly, from which the user can select the type of code they want, through the economic model to follow, and end with a mechanism for making decisions and even creating their own constitution.
BITNATION is an ally of its users
Once you enter this Nation, every individual can enjoy some of the functions that BITNATION gives you as you wish. You can include all the teams on stage, the public will also open as well as chat and newsroom. The news itself can also be published anytime by using a media platform (such as Facebook and Twitter). It is also possible to present the project to the BITNASI team, where they will be thoroughly examined and if approved, they will be financed through the integration page.
As you have noticed, this virtual country intends that each user is fully annexed to the platform and thereby enjoy the benefits offered by the community and the portal matrix. Democracy and participation are fundamental principles that are present at all times.
About Pangea token (PAT)
In the first place, this token has properties that apply in arbitration, and of course only, it is compatible with ERC20 so it can be used in Pangea jurisdictions. It also fulfills a reputation function for every system user, where reputation is created after the contract is issued. In case the contract is done properly or, if it falls into disputes, but it is resolved, the earned reputation will be positive. This token is governed by an algorithmic mechanism. Your entire arbitrage system is completely focused on performance. Other factors such as purchasing power, popularity or attention are not taken into account.
It is interesting to note that part of the collection made with this token is devoted to the full development of Pangea. It is also expected to optimize and enhance the development of BITNATION technology. As a system of detention and to prevent tokens from disappearing, TSE has a maximum limit of 30 million rupiah. The system has been fully designed to increase the value of PAT tokens as they evolve to gain a stable position in the market. To find out all the details of Pangea TSE when BITNATION is provided, simply go to their website (which links will be placed at the end of the article) and click "JOIN".
Download apps directly to your smartphone through the Android or iOS app store by searching for "Bitnation". Or install Pangea by following the instructions in README in our PangeaReact repository in GitHub here.


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