Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

IQeon - platform game PvP yang terdesentralisasi

latar belakang
IQeon adalah platform game PvP yang terdesentralisasi, dimana pemain dapat memperoleh uang nyata atau uang untuk kinerja mereka.
IQeon adalah infrastruktur yang memungkinkan integrasi game,
aplikasi dan layanan berdasarkan persaingan cerdas antar pengguna
aplikasi dan layanan untuk motivasi.
Hal ini dicapai dengan menggunakan mata uang internal di IQeon
ekosistem, yang bisa dikonversi sewaktu-waktu menjadi mata uang kripto IQeon
Tanda IQN dikeluarkan di bawah blockchain Ethereal. Token IQeon dapat ditukar dengan bebas untuk pertukaran kripto yang ada, atau dipindahkan ke uang fiat di MasterCard bekerjasama dengan Loyal Bank Limited.
Game mobile dan aplikasi pasar global
Pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah perangkat mobile pasti menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna aplikasi dan game mobile. Menurut Newzoo 2017 Global Mobile Market Report, seperti pada awal 2017, jumlah pengguna smartphone melebihi 2,3 miliar, atau 31% dari total populasi dunia. Pada 2020 ini dia
akan mencapai 3,6 miliar.
Pasar game mobile adalah segmen terbesar pasar game global, dengan 42% pada tahun 2017 dan pada tahun 2020, pengguna aplikasi mobile / game akan tumbuh sebesar 50% dan secara tunai mencapai $ 62,3 miliar.
Platform IQeon
Platform IQeon berfokus pada berbagai aplikasi untuk pengembangan diri, permainan PvP logis dan sengketa. Disini dikembangkan untuk skenario aplikasi yang akan diimplementasikan pada platform daftar ini akan ditambahkan dan dalam proses pengembangan platform:
Motivasi dan skenario pengembangan diri - Dalam skenario ini, diasumsikan bahwa dua pemain bertaruh pada fakta bahwa salah satu dari mereka, misalnya, pemain A, melakukan tindakan tertentu, seperti menurunkan berat badan dengan X kilogram, mengadakan ceramah, memukul bola basket di keranjang.
Skenario untuk sengketa PvP - Skenario ini serupa dengan skenario sebelumnya, namun dalam skenario seperti itu, perselisihan dapat disimpulkan untuk setiap acara seperti hasil olah raga, hasil pemilihan, pemenang Kontes Lagu Eurovision.
Skenario untuk aplikasi pendidikan - Skenario ini berlaku untuk layanan aplikasi lama dan baru yang ditujukan untuk pendidikan, seperti pelatihan, belajar bahasa asing, dll. Kursus biasanya terdiri dari informasi teoritis, rekaman audio, klip video dan tugas interaktif. , tes untuk cek menengah.
Skenario Game Game Puzzle - Skenario ini didasarkan pada implementasi ruang permainan di app. Ruang permainan adalah urutan tugas logis yang dilakukan oleh para pemain selama waktu ruang tertentu dalam beraksi, untuk bergabung dengan pemain untuk berkontribusi. Jumlah kontribusi dikurangi biaya platform dan pemberian dari pengembang, dimana dana hadiah terbentuk, yang kemudian dibagi diantara para pemain yang telah mencapai tempat pertama.
Skenario lanjutan - Setelah peluncuran platform, tim IQeon berencana untuk memperpanjang skenario permainan dengan menggunakan teknologi modern seperti kecerdasan buatan dan virtual reality. AI atau jaringan syaraf berbasis kecerdasan buatan akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan algoritma belajar mandiri untuk menghasilkan tugas logis. VR atau Virtual Reality akan memperluas platform IQeon dengan game dimana kompetisi diimplementasikan dengan virtual reality.
IQ Clash API - Untuk menerapkan permainan berdasarkan skenario di ruang permainan, tim IQeon telah mengembangkan API Clash IQ dan aplikasi pertama IQ Clash Intelligent Battles sekarang dapat didownload dari App Store dan Google Play.
Peta jalan IQeon
Q3 2016 - Asal usul ide platform IQeon. Pengembangan konsep dan
rencana bisnis
K4 2016 - Penjelasan tentang model IQ-platform-legal di berbagai yurisdiksi.
Investasi menarik sebesar $ 50.000. Pengembangan mekanika gameplay.
IQ Clash pilot pengembangan aplikasi untuk platform masa depan.
Q1 2017 - Investasi menarik sebesar $ 300.000. IQ Clash OU pendaftaran bisnis Teambuilding
K2 2017 - Daya tarik konsultan. Pengembangan platform mock-up IQeon.
Audit teknis
Q3 2017 - Pengembangan model kemitraan dalam ekosistem IQeon. Perjanjian permintaan perdagangan dengan bank mitra. Pengembangan IQ Clash API. Dimulai dengan platform pengembangan. Dimulai dengan berdirinya ekosistem lebih dari 30 mitra.

K4 2017 - Persiapan untuk ICO. Pengembangan kontrak cerdas untuk rilis token IQN. PreICO dan ICO melakukan itu. Lanjutkan dengan pengembangan platform. Kelanjutan pembentukan ekosistem lebih dari 100 mitra.
Q1 2018 - Pengembangan API IQeon. Pengembangan aplikasi web IQeon. IQ API API dan IQ Clash API API test. Pengembangan aplikasi IQ Clash baru. Daftar token IQN pada lalu lintas kripto. Berdasarkan kampanye pemasaran untuk menarik pengguna akhir.
Q2 2018 - Platform terpadu dengan blokir Ethereal. Pengembangan IQeon
subsistem kontrol blockchain. Integrasi API IQeon dengan aplikasi mitra
Pelepasan platform beta. Mulailah dengan perkembangan dompet IQeon.
Q3 2018 - Peluncuran platform platform dan platform IQeon. Masalah kartu debit MasterCard Kontinuitas kampanye pemasaran aktif untuk menarik pengguna akhir.
Q4 2018 - Pengembangan lebih lanjut dari ekosistem (2000+ partners, 45+ IQ Clash applications, 2,5 juta pengguna aktif). Pengembangan IQeon SDK.
Q1 2019 - rilis SDL IQeon. Pengembangan mekanisme permainan tambahan. Keterlibatan mitra dalam pengembangan aplikasi berbasis SDK baru.
Q2 2019 - Implementasi teknologi AI di IQeon API dan IQeon SDK. Penambahan Mekanika baru menggunakan AI untuk daftar mekanik permainan.
Q3 2019 - Pengembangan mekanika permainan menggunakan teknologi AR dan VR. Integrasi dengan aplikasi API IQeon untuk PS, Xbox, dll.
Q4 2019 - Perkembangan ekosistem IQeon juga 10.000 mitra, 150 aplikasi IQ Clash, 15.000.000 pengguna aktif.
Token IQeon akan dirilis berdasarkan platform Ethereum dan sepenuhnya mematuhi standar ERC20. Standar pendukung ini menjamin kompatibilitas token dengan layanan pihak ketiga, pertukaran, daftar, dll.
Dengan ini, penggunaan token IQeon tidak hanya sebatas ekosistem platform. Setelah platform token IQeon mulai tersedia untuk pembelian atau penjualan pada pertukaran mata uang kripto.
Nama - IQEON Token
Tipe - ERC20
Simbol - IQN
Platform - Etereum
Rilis umum - 10.000.000 IQN
Token pra-penjualan
Mulai - 15 Desember 2017
Akhir - 24 Desember 2017
Menerima mata uang - ETH
Jumlah token yang terjual - 500.000 IQN
Nilai tukar Token - 1 ETH = 700 IQEON
Jumlah transaksi minimum - 3 ETH
Distribusi Token

 65% token core sales stage
12% dari tim proyek
Dana bonus 10%
6% mitra dan konsultan
5% tok pre-sale
2% premium
Alokasi dana
60% pengembangan platform
25% pemasaran dan periklanan
8% biaya operasi
4% biaya hukum
3% biaya lainnya

Info lebih lanjut kunjungi di bawah ini:


Senin, 26 Februari 2018

Lydian - what is Lydian?

this time I will discuss about Lidyan, and Lydian's own name "Lydian" pay homage to the first human civilization using currency, even though the Lydian token is not a currency; they represent a new model for the delivery of existing technology-based marketing services.

what is Lydian?

The Lydian Token is an ERC20-compatible token, utilizing the Ethereal blockchain for extensive compatibility with wallets, exchanges, development tools, smart contracts, exchanges and other related technology infrastructure. The etereum ecosystem has been developed since 2015 and offers the ability to enforce Turing's complete unsecured smart contract on its blockchain. This flexibility and eligibility makes the token interface ERC20 the most commonly used token publishing standard.

Lydia tokens can be purchased using Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereal (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), ZCash (ZEC), Wave (WAVES), fiat currency, and credit cards. By creating Lydian tokens available to buyers over a wider spectrum of payment channels, Lydian intends to make its products and services and, in turn, the blockchain ecosystem, accessible to consumers who believe in space beyond their reach.

The Lydia Token is intended to be a payment marker for service access provided by LydianCoin SG and Gravity4 Corporate Family4. As described further here, the Lydian Corporate Family and Gravity4 continue to strive to innovate and intend to continue making additional products and services available to Lydian users in the future but at a price to be determined.

Why LydianCoin?

Based on market research, the average ICO spends between $ 100,000 to $ 500,000 in digital marketing for the sale of their tokens. Each ICO publisher seems to use ancient advertising methods such as using lower priced ad networks or direct placements on crypto related websites. By 2017, ICO has raised more than $ 2 billion, and dozens are still planned for the rest of the year. Once companies complete their sales, they still need to continue to advertise and find customers when their products are built. This will be a higher customer acquisition cost than their original digital marketing sales from their token sales. This is why LydianCoin exists. This ultimately becomes a single utility token to provide advanced digital marketing services to the block community supported by Gravity4 on a scale and grant access to its future products. We expect LydianCoin to be the first utility token that gives companies the ability to market token sales and their products for customer adoption compared to the current status quo by using fiat channels with ancient targeting methods.

A token utility that enables the purchase of targeted cryptococcal capabilities, A.I. driven digital marketing and advertising services operated and is being developed by Gravity4 Corporate Family4.

Digital advertising allows companies to communicate, educate, and engage with their customers using multiple technology channels. Globally, businesses have created ad-tech platforms to target customers across a variety of media including social, web, mobile, video, and native. Worldwide spending on digital marketing is expected to surpass more than $ 232 billion by 2017, surpassing global marketing spending for television advertising worldwide.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain related-venture
has raised more than $ 2 billion in 2017 alone through the sale of tokens and initial coin offerings (ICO), despite using dated marketing strategies that fail to enlarge the number of educated consumers. Although the numbers are staggering, the failure to convey strong messages to these groups in addition to investors poses a systemic challenge to the long-term viability of these efforts. The Crypto startup needs to unlock the power of digital marketing to engage and educate potential customers and to create loyal customers who will use this future product.


The digital advertising ecosystem, however, is far from perfect.
Distracted by inefficiencies caused by advertising fraud, flawed rent intermediaries, defensive user / customer behavior created by inadequate marketing practices, malware, and inadequate reporting of campaign efficacy, the user's experience further frustrates customers and the results are insufficient and uncertain. results for advertisers

Token Distribution

200,000,000 Lydian tokens will be offered for sale to buyers in this offer, as listed below. Buyers should note that 10,000 Lydian tokens are required to create user accounts.

In connection with the purchase of the Lydian token, any Lydian token buyer will be required to make a specific statement, including that he intends to obtain a token solely for the purpose of exchange for digital marketing and advertising services of the Gravity4 Corporate Family, as defined earlier. here, and not with a view towards further transfer, resale, or token distribution. Please see Section 6, Risk Factors, for information on risks associated with purchasing Lydian tokens.

Bounty Campaign

Beginning in the pre-sale period on October 26, 2017, and concluding with the offer of the Lydian token, LydianCoin sponsored a prize campaign ("Bounty Campaign") to reward early LydianCoin supporters. 500,000 Lydian tokens are reserved for bounties payment, according to the following distribution structure:

Gravity4, Inc., through its subsidiary LydianCoin Pte Ltd., will provide a crypto community with advanced digital marketing services used by Fortune 1000 companies and luxury brands worldwide through its stable Lydian (LDN) crypto. Lydian tokens can be renegotiated to Lydian to obtain proven and tested software and services that utilize aggregate marketing placements and customer interaction data to maximize the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, unintentional advertising by removing middlemen who raise costs and deplete the efficiency of digital marketing campaigns , and utilizing the existing Gravity4 artificial neural AI, MonaLisa. As Bill Gates said at the beginning of 2017, the number one field that will "make the biggest impact" is Artificial Intelligence. Unlike most offer tokens, Lydian tokens can be used immediately after their issuance to obtain products and services that the existing market tested. Using Cloud Marketing Gravity4, the crypto community can take advantage of decades of market expertise, proprietary exclusive industry relationships, extensive mixed audience data, and Gravity4's advanced technology pile to maximize the usefulness of their marketing campaigns.

Future Tech

In addition to the industry's leading marketing services today, Lydian users will provide early access to two additional projects being developed by Gravity4 Lab: Mona Chain and MonaBrowse. MonaChain is a blockchain based system that will, in concert work with MonaLisa, provide an optimal ad placement service designed to avoid common forms of advertising fraud. MonaChain will later be unlocked to allow non-Lydian users to leverage the Mona Chain's strength at an additional cost. Digital ad cheats are expected to cost $ 16.4 billion globally this year.

Lydian token holders will also be granted prior access to the experience of exploring without advertising by using their Lydian token via MonaBrowse, which is being developed by Gravity4 Lab. By using MonaBrowse, users can buy experience without advertising across platforms and devices without the need to download new browsers, or customize their existing behavior. By 2016, PageFair estimates that global ad blocking costs will increase to $ 41.4 billion for publishers.

MonaChain and MonaBrowse are two products that can generate the addition of billions of returns to the ecosystem with the promise of blockchain technology.

Why Blockchain requires Lydian coin ICO.?
Watch Our Videos Below:

Team Lydian

  • Gurbaksh Chahal, Pendiri, Chairman & CEO
  • Kamal Kaur, President & Chief Operating Officer, Co-Founder, dan Board Member
  • Grant Allaway, Managing Director - Eropa
  • Kevin Huang, Managing Director - Asia
  • Belinda Montes, CFO, Asia
  • Farai Mativi, Direktur Keuangan, Eropa & Amerika
  • Kotryna Gasiunaite, Product Manager - Emerging Technologies
  • Julian Miall, Managing Director, Inggris
  • Jonathon Drumm, Kepala Pengembangan Bisnis, APAC
  • Simon Apperly, Direktur Komersial, APAC
  • Dewan Penasehat

  • Jeff Seah, Penasihat
  • Michael Terpin, Penasihat
  • Sergei Kolobov, Penasehat
  • Sergey Nikitin, Penasihat
  • Khelin Young, Penasihat
  • Francisco Jo, Penasihat
  • Reuben Godfrey, Penasihat
  • Russell Saito, Penasihat
  • Justin Litchfield, Penasihat
  • Takashi Hirai, Penasihat
  • Konstantin Krasnikov, Penasihat
  • Charles A. Gelinas, Penasihat Hukum

For more information, and more details please visit the link below:

by : Habieredkill


Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

AstorGame -

Good evening, good friends! Today I want to start a conversation about a rather interesting area. Scope of eSports I think many have heard it now, online toys are becoming known as real sports. Actually, that's the way it is. After all, people sit at the computer, showing their skills in certain games and struggling for victory. And this is at least a competition for the right to be champion in this game or that. Take, for example, CS or Dota 2. On the one hand it seems that everything is simple. But actually you have to have direct hands and very good knowledge. Today there is a great championship, with a big prize fund for victory. And how many people watch this event, generally there is a sky figure. So, everything is clear. But what about the casino? Rather than eSports. Bet, what can be more steep and exciting, how can this happen? Take the same poker, this is the game. Action and adrenaline is over! So, okay, everything is cool, but, for example, how to ensure their tariff transparency. What kind of uncle, not taking his own money? Or on one or another platform does not happen failure and your finance will sing romance? Or, for example, is the game honest? And here's an amazing project, like AstorGame. I suggest getting to know her better. that the game is honest? And here's an amazing project, like AstorGame. I suggest getting to know her better. that the game is honest? And here's an amazing project, like AstorGame. I suggest getting to know her better.

AstorGame is a platform for e-sports and gambling, based on modern technologies like Blockchain and Smart contracts. This platform is suitable for all categories of users. Those who love eSports, or those who like to bet. Kibsporta fans, can take part in games like FIFA 2017 or for shooting fans - CS. Well, betting lovers can do it in kibsport either simply, for some events. So to say everything that your heart desires. Well, or if someone likes to gamble, he can enjoy all the delights of the casino. The platform is unique. Moreover, the uniqueness lies in the use of blockchain technology and this smart contract. We all worry about the integrity and purity of victory. Well, or even for our funds in commercial banks, for example in the casino. Therefore, many people often think of honesty. And is not their computer fooling with victory? And how to be in this situation? Feelings in what, no matter what happens to the platform, the means that users have created, will be returned using smart contracts. And, it will be done instantly. So the user can not be afraid of his blood. What about information about payments and wins. The platform will create entries in Blockchain and use smart contracts to manage the logical part of the business, program payment rewards, pay tickets, rates, sweepstakes, programming tournaments and results. All of this data is public and can be checked at any time. Which is also a big plus.

Let's see, what do we have with honesty in the casino? On the platform there are many technologies that will inspire confidence in the user that nobody is manipulating game results and all are honest. For example, such technology can be justified fairness (Provably Fair). This technology allows you to check the user's compliance with game rules. So to conduct a check, whether there is no third party, no impact on this result, it will make the player is in a less favorable position. Also, such encryption methods are used by cryptographic algorithm tools. Using the hash function (SHA256), and running a series of fonts, we get several hashes (alphanumeric lines: merge numbers + letters). One of these values ​​is provided directly by the user's browser and this value will not be known to AstorGame,

How to sell tokens:

As many as 100,000,000 ASTOR tokens will be issued. This Token is compatible with ERC20 based on Ethereal. There will be no additional problems! After the end of the sale, all tokens that will not be implemented will be burned.

Since the company's main goal is in 10 years to become the leading online gambling company in the world market. And it will be great. It's not even hard to summarize. This project is very promising. So, how to combine what is needed by a large number of people, and most importantly thanks to the technology implemented in this project, it must gain 100% user trust.


eth : 0xd1F0326C7a8C3f959a46F9a4D49ad85082643B96

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

Bitrace - Connecting Racing World With Cryptocurrencies

Today I will discuss about the development of Cryptocurrencies world that has been increasing significantly in recent years, with various types of Crypto, platform or application in circulation. Many ICOs will come every day now. Some with good ideas, some with useless ideas, few have great ideas. Now I want to talk about ICO with a good idea

Bitrace The company is in the process of developing the racing project of city racing Tunisia, the project consists of the construction of an integrated sports complex including the Formula One Line surrounded by upscale hotels and Total Assigned Land recreational units of three hundred hectares in Tunisian hammamet. bitrace investments have successfully completed the deal with sw swh swiss holding, to permit investors bitrace buyers to trade shares, indexes, forex, commodities and cryptocurrencies with cfds, using bitrace tokens

bitrace investment has successfully completed the deal with swiss holding plc bds, to allow its investors bitrace buyers into trade shares, indexes, forex, commodities and cryptocurrencies with cfds using bitrace Tokens.
bitrace investments have also successfully completed the deal with margarete's Beauty in Toronto Canada to start promotions and marketing to allow its investors or bitrace Buyers to buy products and services using bitrace tokens.
bitrace investment also plans to do a little way ie Tour Operator, some Holiday and introduce payment using bitrace in Tunisia, north african countries and south europe
The project consists of building an integrated sports complex including the Formula 1 tracks surrounded by upscale hotels and recreation units

A blockchain based platform has an ico or initialcoin overing program in which the next stage of programming determines if the company has enough funds to make this company grow through the path folder you have specified.

Token Symbol: BRFHARD CAP: 57,626,400 US $ Soft cap: 3 million US $ Total token supply: 1 trillion BRFToken for pre-sales: 220 million BRFToken ICO: 356,264,000 BRFGeography: available to investors from all over the world other than the United States and the Republic of Singapore .
Price: US $ 0.10 token Platform: EtereumSmart-smart Address-contract: contract will be available on the company's website. for sales people
Payment method: ETH, BTC,: ERC20Added by: Emission not availableGoen emission list: right after ICO is complete. Purchase limit for ICO: purchase of at least 100 tokens.Token: Unsold unsold tokens will burn within 48 hours after ICO is closed.

ABOUT US BITRACE INVESTMENTS LTD is a UK investment company based in London, England, which is a member of KJ Holdings Corp.
Is this? The company is in the process of developing the Racing City Racing Tunisia project, the project consists of the construction of an integrated sports complex including the Formula 1 Line surrounded by upscale hotels and recreation units: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) in Hammamet, Tunisia.

INVESTMENT BITRACE LTD has successfully completed an agreement with BDSwiss Holding PLC, to allow its investors (BITRACE Buyer) to Trade Shares, Indexes, FOREX, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies with CFDs, using BITRACE Tokens.

BITRACE INVESTMENT LTD has also successfully completed an agreement with Margarete’s Beauty in Toronto Canada to start promoting and marketing LaBelle & LeBeau Beauty Salons worldwide to enable its investors (BITRACE Buyers) to purchase Franchise products and services using BITRACE Tokens.
BITRACE INVESTMENT LTD is also planning to conduct several acquisitions of Tour Operator, several holiday resorts and introduce payments using BITRACE in Tunisia, Northern Africa (Maghreb States) and southern Europe.
Calendar & Bonus ICO
Token Sale:

Token Symbol: BRF
Hard cap: 57.626.400 US $
Soft cap: 3.000.000 US $
Total token supply: 1,000,000,000 BRF
Token for pre-sale.000.000 BRF
Token ICO: 356.264.000 BRF
Geography: Available to investors from all over the world other than the United States and the Republic of Singapore.
Price token: 0.10 US $ Smart-contract address
Platform: Ethereum
Smart-contract: will be available on the company’s website. during the sale of the crowd.
Payment method: ETH, BTC, BCH
Standard token: ERC20
Additional token: Emissions Not available.
Token emission date: Right after ICO finish.
Purchase limit during ICO: Purchase of at least 100 tokens.
Unsold token tokens: Unsold token will be burned within 48 hours after ICO is closed.
Is this?
All unsold tokens will be burned within 48 hours after ICO is closed.
If at the end of ICO the soft cover $ 3,000,000 US $ is not raised, all investments will be returned to clients and investors with the help of refund options in smart contracts.
EUROPEAN EQUITY SOLUTIONS LP cooperates with BDSwiss Holding PLC.
Distribution de jeton bitrace :
Site Web :

BITRACE Token Sale Investment :
Website :


Website :

Buy products and services in Tunisia Racing F1 City using Bitrace

Receives return on investment from holding activity, because 20% of net profit will be distributed among Bitrace holders
Trading on CFD Platform BDSwiss using Bitrace

Purchase services worldwide at LaBelle & LeBeau Beauty Salons using Bitrace

Buy Timeshare for our holidays using Bitrace

Purchase a flight ticket from our tour operator for a specific purpose using Bitrace

Rent a car in certain Mediterranean countries using Bitrace

Purchase Vacation Packages using Bitrace

Tim Bitrace (ico):


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MY PROFILE : Habieredkill
MY ETH ADDRESS :  0xd1F0326C7a8C3f959a46F9a4D49ad85082643B96

Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

fintrux -

Hi, crypto-guys! And again I will talk about the market of p2p lending. Meet the project - FintruX and its advantages. The main activity of the platform will be assistance in obtaining unsecured loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. Taking into account risks and offering:
The four cascading levels of credit enhancements provide unprecedented risk reduction towards unsecured loans:
  1. Over-collateralization acting as additional security; and if it fails to cover all losses arising from the same borrower,
  2. Third-party guarantors take care of the overflow losses from the above for the selected loans; and if it still fails,
  3. Cross-collateralization pool provides additional insurance; and if it still fails,
  4. Five (5)% of all FTX Tokens has been reserved to cover any losses incurred by lenders.
    Business model
    FintruX Network is a multi-sided platform and ecosystem that delivers value not just to borrowers and lenders, but also to guarantors and agencies. The lender will deposit funds and choose a credit decision package provided by one of the rated agencies; which include recommended fraud, identity and credit scoring agencies. Borrowers filter criteria based on available funding parameters and are instantly matched to appropriate lenders. Borrowers can be represented by affiliate marketing agency partners. After due diligence, funding is provided and subsequently lenders receive the invested principal and interest upon payments made by the borrowers.
    With the exception of the collateralization pools and currency being financed, inside the FintruX Network
    everything is tokenized. Agencies, guarantors, and FintruX Network are all being paid in FTX Token. Rewards and late charges to borrowers are paid in FTX Token as well. FintruX will continuously sell collected tokens back to the participants to finance the operation and provide liquidity. This creates a token economy for the limited supply of FTX Token.
    FintruX Network collects 10% of each loan as over collateralization and injects that into the respective cross-collateralization pools. Each pool is designated by the same credit decision package and in the same
    currency. In addition, 5% FTX Token has been reserved to cover credit/default losses as a last resort.
In details -Whitepaper.
Token sale
STARTS: 7th of February 2018 17:00 UTC
ENDS: 28th of February 2018 17:00 UTC
EXCHANGE: Base Price = 1:1500 FTX
BONUSES: 5%, 2.5%, 1.2%, 0.6%, 0% (Diminishing Incentive Bonuses)
Well, in conclusion, I emphasize that the development team has working in the credit market for a long time and it knows all the complexities and problems of the industry, and therefore integration with block technologies and the launch of a working popular version of the platform should cause be fast and successfully.