Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Crosspays - komunitas pengusaha dan konsumen



Crosspays adalah komunitas pengusaha dan konsumen, selfregulang pertama pasar perdagangan global terdesentralisasi di dunia, mesin pencari, jaringan ekonomi dan sosial meliputi dan termasuk pasar lokal dan internasional B2B, B2C dan C2C barang, jasa dan hiburan menggunakan teknologi blockchainEthereum. Crosspays, persis seperti Bitcoin, menyarankan layanan unik dalam skala dunia dan memberikan kesempatan untuk menghasilkan uang bagi ratusan juta orang dengan analog ofmining- support dari Komunitas Crosspays. Crosspays menyatukan semua pasar barang dan jasa dunia di satu tempat, di mana para pengusaha berhasil memecahkan hambatan ekonomi yang diciptakan oleh monopoli dan menyerahkan barang-barang mereka langsung kepada pengguna akhir. Konsumen dan produsen mendapatkan pasar perdagangan universal untuk memasok dan menuntut barang dan jasa tanpa memerlukan situs serbaguna. Para pengguna Komunitas tidak harus membayar persentase yang sangat besar kepada perantara, sehingga mereka mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan langsung dan mendapatkan berbagai layanan, seperti taksi, logistik, pinjaman real estat, renng, dan ribuan orang. Anggota Komunitas Crosspays menerima pendapatan dari keuntungan raksasa korporasi yang menjual iklan di Internet dan memperoleh penghasilan di komunitas Crosspays dalam ratusan cara, melakukan hal yang biasa bagi mereka sendiri. Komunitas Crosspays membuka peluang yang sangat tidak terbatas kepada Pengguna di bidang jual beli, pertukaran, komunikasi, mengkonsumsi barang dan jasa untuk segala jenis crypto dan uang fiat, dan juga kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan uang dalam sistem ini menggunakan metode yang berbeda dan geng penghasilan dari kehidupan Komunitas.

Crosspay - Ini adalah pasar perdagangan global yang mengatur diri sendiri dan terdesentralisasi, Crosspay adalah jaringan yang berorientasi ekonomi dan sosial di mana mesin pencari akan hadir.
Crosspay bertujuan untuk pasar dan layanan komoditas B2B, B2C dan C2C lokal dan internasional.
Masalah apa yang akan diselesaikan oleh proyek CROSSPAYS?
Crosspay akan menawarkan layanan unik dalam skala global dan akan memberikan kesempatan bagi orang-orang untuk menggunakan platform untuk menghasilkan uang di seluruh dunia, serta untuk produk dan layanan berbagai kategori. Crosspay akan mencoba menyediakan pasar berdasarkan penyumbatan pada platform digital untuk berbagai jenis produk dan layanan. Ini akan membantu wirausahawan yang dapat memecahkan hambatan ekonomi dan mencapai basis pelanggan global. Mereka juga dapat mengatasi tingkat perantara yang ada dalam model bisnis tradisional dan memberikan layanan mereka kepada pengguna akhir.

Mulai pra-penjualan pada tanggal 14 Mei dan akan berlangsung hingga 24 Juni 2018
Mulai Crowdsale pada 2 Juli dan bertahan hingga 5 Agustus 2018
Nama token - CPS
Harga tokennya adalah 1 CPS = $ 0,5
Jenis token - ERC-20
Softcap - $ 5.000.000
Hardcap - $ 250.000.000
Cantuman - segera setelah ICO
Menyimpulkan, saya akan mengatakan bahwa gagasan bahwa proyek terlihat sangat perspektivno.Nad bekerja tim yang hebat dengan podderzhkoy.CROSSPAYS teknis yang baik berusaha untuk menyingkirkan kami dari monopoli dan mediasi dan link langsung ke pengusaha dan prodavtsov.Ot ini manfaat aliansi baik bagi saya itu storony.Kak proyek yang sangat baik yang harus memperhatikan baik investor dan polzovatelyam.Esli

Tim di belakang Crosspay terdiri dari para ahli dengan pengalaman yang luas di bidang terkait seperti teknologi, strategi bisnis, atau penggunaan platform tersebut. Alexei Tereshkov, direktur tim manajemen, Mr. Vladislav Sinoviev, direktur TI Alexander Yaroshevich, Direktur Teknik. Agar model bisnis ini berfungsi, ada beberapa orang dengan peran berbeda.

Tingkat kelangsungan hidup model bisnis
Jika Anda bertanya-tanya apakah Anda harus berinvestasi dalam platform ini, tidak ada keraguan bahwa itu adalah dunia layanan dan produk berdasarkan enkripsi masa depan. Ini membantu menyelesaikan layanan perantara dan menyediakan produk dan layanan langsung kepada pelanggan. Baik perusahaan maupun pelanggan dapat memanfaatkan model ini. Oleh karena itu, Anda dapat mempertimbangkan platform ini jika Anda berinvestasi dalam bisnis berdasarkan teknologi blockchain. Namun, saya tidak tahu seberapa baik rencana itu akan dijalankan. Perusahaan akan segera memulai program ICO dan akan menawarkan investor kesempatan untuk membeli program token dengan harga diskon.


Dalam basis ekonomi raksasa internet dan layanan Internet terbesar terletak konsep memaksimalkan laba dari setiap pengguna acon. Hingga 80% dari jumlah korporasi Internet terbesar dan layanan online adalah pendapatan dari penjualan model perilaku dan data pengguna yang secara pasif menggunakan layanan "bebas" kondisional. Bahkan, setiap Pengguna Internet memiliki produk unik yang memiliki harga tetap dalam unit mata uang tertentu. Tetapi produk ini sedang dibuang oleh korporasi dan dijual dan dibeli tanpa izin dari Pengguna ini dan membawa ratusan miliar dolar pendapatan ke monopoli dan perantara. Selain itu, korporasi dan monopoli bersembunyi dari Pengguna berapa banyak yang telah mereka hasilkan. Tidak seperti mereka, Crosspays benar-benar transparan: semua transaksi internal dalam sistem Crosspay terpenuhi hanya menggunakan teknologi blockchain, kontrak cerdas, dan mata uang internal Komunitas Crosspays - Token CPS. Ini memungkinkan untuk menajamkan setiap pengguna dan membuat pengguna Crosspays menjadi penerima manfaat dari pertumbuhan pasar perdagangan elektronik, sehingga pasar yang merugikan. Crosspays menyarankan pengguna model relaonship ekonomi yang benar-benar baru - konsep Economic Jusce. Esensinya sederhana: Pendapatan dari Crosspays didistribusikan secara otomatis di antara para peserta dari Komunitas di proporon hingga keakraban mereka untuk kepentingan Komunitas.

ERC-20 Interchange
Penjualan pra pribadi
PRESAL Swasta: Sejumlah token terbatas akan dijual selama putaran.
HARGA TOKEN - $ 0,50 Batas pembelian minimum adalah $ 100.
Data: 14.05.2018 hingga 24.06.2018
PRESALE: Selama putaran, 150 juta token CPS akan dijual termasuk bonus.
Rahmat TOKEN - 0,50 USD
Batas pembelian minimal 30 dolar
Soft cap: 5.000.000 USD
Hard cap: 50 juta USD
Tanggal: 02.07.2018 - 05.08.2018
ICO: 600.000.000 token CPS sedang diobral
Rahmat TOKEN - 0,50 USD
Batas pembelian minimum: US $ 50
Soft cap: 50 juta USD
Hard cap: 200 juta USD
Token Detail

Bidium - solusi maju dari perdagangan, lelang dan mempekerjakan freelance

Apa itu bidium?

BIDIUM adalah platform baru yang terdesentralisasi yang melakukan fungsi pertukaran cryptocurrency, menggabungkan perkembangan teknologi paling canggih dan sistem blockchain populer yang telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai penyedia reliabilitas dan keamanan yang lengkap. Cryptocurrency telah benar-benar merevolusi pasar internasional segera setelah masuk, segera menarik banyak orang, yang sebagian besar ingin merasakan manfaatnya dalam praktik. Itulah mengapa proyek berdasarkan cryptocurrency sekarang menjadi salah satu yang paling populer dan memiliki prospek pengembangan besar, serta investasi dalam mata uang digital.

Secara umum, BIDIUM menawarkan kepada pengguna peluang perdagangan yang nyaman di bursa, serta pertukaran cryptocurrency dan platform freelance yang unik, di mana pemberi kerja dapat mencari calon pemain dan mempekerjakan mereka dengan membayar untuk pekerjaan dengan cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan memiliki Token sistem BIDIUM. Jaringan terpusat telah lama menjadi sesuatu dari masa lalu karena fakta bahwa mereka tidak sangat nyaman untuk digunakan, tidak memberikan akses konstan ke informasi dari perangkat yang berbeda, dan benar-benar tidak menjamin keamanan, sistematisasi informasi dan keamanannya.

Sistem BIDIUM terdesentralisasi adalah struktur pasar unik yang terdiri dari jaringan yang tersedia dari berbagai perangkat teknis yang berbeda. Ini sangat nyaman bagi pengguna dan investor - melewati lokasi terpusat memungkinkan menghubungkan kapan saja dan di mana saja dalam hitungan detik. Berkat sifat sistem terdesentralisasi, pembeli mendapatkan akses ke berbagai penawaran murah dan kemampuan untuk langsung melakukan transaksi dengan penjual tanpa tindakan yang tidak perlu, dengan jaminan keamanan dan transparansi proses. Blockchain membuktikan dirinya dalam banyak sistem yang sukses, telah menjadi dasar dari sistem BIDIUM terdesentralisasi, mengatur pertukaran menguntungkan antara para peserta.

Penting bahwa setiap peserta dari platform BIDIUM akan memiliki salinan datanya, yang akan melindungi terhadap segala jenis penipuan. Token BIDIUM dengan mudah dan cepat ditransfer antar peserta sebagai jaminan pembayaran untuk layanan. Transaksi dieksekusi kapan saja, dan juga dapat ditukarkan dari cryptocurrency menjadi uang fiat langsung di dompet pengguna.

Kelebihan utama dari platform BIDIUM adalah sebagai berikut:

• pertukaran terdesentralisasi yang nyaman berdasarkan teknologi blockchain dengan salinan data yang dijamin untuk setiap pengguna;

• transaksi fungsional, maksimal sederhana dan menguntungkan;

• biaya minimum dibandingkan dengan metode pembayaran layanan lainnya - minimal atau tidak ada komisi sama sekali di dalam sistem;

• pengiriman uang diatur oleh kontrak pintar;

• dompet pribadi yang dapat diandalkan dan terintegrasi untuk setiap pengguna, tempat dana disimpan dan dari mana pembayaran dilakukan. Sistem peer-to-peer tidak memerlukan dokumen atau akun apa pun untuk transaksi tunai.

Cryptocurrency adalah salah satu cara paling sederhana dan paling mudah untuk melakukan pembayaran saat ini, serta cara berinvestasi yang menguntungkan. Bersama dengan teknologi blockchain, ia memiliki kemampuan yang sangat besar, yang ditunjukkan oleh sistem BIDIUM - transaksi instan dan aman kapan saja dan di mana saja. Seorang majikan dapat dengan cepat menemukan freelancer di dalam sistem, mendapatkan layanan berkualitas tinggi dan membayarnya dengan token BIDIUM.

Token BIDM
BIDM adalah uang elektronik asli dari platform BIDIUM. Sebagai lingkungan pertukaran utama, ini memastikan transaksi peer yang aman, menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk pihak yang berwenang. Platform BIDIUM menggunakan teknologi canggih yang disajikan dalam antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Biasanya, pemilik BIDM menerima 50% dari keuntungan perusahaan seperti dividen. Transfer token BIDM antara pemiliknya gratis. Selanjutnya, platform BIDIUM memperoleh 0,05% untuk perdagangan platform, dengan pemegang BIDM didiskontokan sebesar 0,01%.

Keuntungan dari Token BIDM
Desentralisasi - Memungkinkan koneksi berdasarkan setiap koneksi pada platform BIDIUM. Ini juga meningkat terjadi di internet.
Fungsi - BIDM Token memberikan akses ke pasar BIDIUM di mana individu dapat mengakses layanan kapan saja.
Selain itu, mata uang digital dapat dikonversi menjadi uang tunai.
Kemampuan membayar - pengurangan perantara secara signifikan mengurangi biaya layanan.
Pembayaran instan - gunakan kontrak cerdas, token BIDM memastikan bahwa transaksi cepat dan aman.
Dompet pengaman - Selain menyimpan token BIDM secara aman, dompet dapat digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima uang.
Sekilas tentang Bidium ICO
Bidium menjual Pre-ICO dengan hardcap $ 1 juta.
Harga preICO: 1 BIDIUM = 0,01 USD
Harga ICO: 1 BIDIUM = 0,02 USD
Tanggal Mulai ICO - 25 Mei 2018
Tanggal Akhir ICO - 15 Juni 2018
Bonus: Ya
Bounty: Ya
Latar Belakang: Ethereum
Penerimaan kontribusi: ETH, BTC
Sumbangkan minimal $ 50
Soft cap 3.000.000 USD
Hard cap $ 10.000.000
Negara: India
Whitelist / KYC: Ya
Negara-negara dilarang berpartisipasi: AS, Cina.

Token Distribusi dan Dana

Tim proyek

Information :

tentaang saya : Habieredkill

Trimpo - What's On Offer With Trimpo?

assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello buddy everything and also the investors and also the lovers of cryptocurrency wherever you are, hopefully you are healthy on a regular basis. now I will justify the replacement platfom "TRIMPO" so it can be clear and can be useful for all, and do not forget to drink first coffee
hope of me hope that what I convey this can be useful for all my friends all that is in this world

Today I will tell you about a new and very unique and interesting project.The project will be very popular and has a high investment attractiveness.Trimpo is a decentralized B2B trading platform created for merchants to manage their products and sales in the world's largest markets, namely eBay, Amazon, the social network VK and Yandex.Market with your Trimpo account, and to create price lists for CPC / PPC channels sales.

C Trimpo you can track the results of sales and adjust the strategic steps of the store. Everything is very easy and convenient. You do not have to configure anything manually, All trimpo analytical systems are fully automated. Get the reports you need any minute!
The process of working with this platform is very simple:
We will register and choose the platforms for trading, link accounts of the selected platforms to Trimpo, add goods to Trimpo via Excel, XML or manually(it is not difficult), specify payment systems, rules of delivery and return of goods. And miracle! Trimpo places your products on the selected sites, and you process orders and earn several times more than before.

Happy reading.!

Trimpo.io is a blockchain-based e-commerce platform that aims to provide merchants, suppliers and customers with an efficient channel to conduct business safely and comfortably. Merchants get a chance to sell through the Trimpo service market, and customers have the opportunity to access related services. The original Trimpo.org platform already provides a merchant platform where users can manage and sell their products through various online markets such as eBay, Amazon, and social networks VK and Yandex.
images (2).png
What's On Offer With Trimpo?

Trimpo.io will provide the following set of services involving merchants and potential customers.

Tools and resources that traders should start selling to the e-commerce market.
Integration of merchant services with social networking platforms and messengers
Inventories have a ready-made market from which they can directly access customers through merchants.
The Trimpo market will allow customers to buy products from multiple merchants irrespective of their location.
Content Management System that facilitates one-click integration of your details
Ability to export data for CPC / PPC.
The BigData Trimpo portal allows for detailed analysis of the growing e-commerce trends.


How it Works Online Ecom Business Blockchain Coin

Users must first get a trading account depending on their category. For traders, they will list their commodities, show sales conditions, and interact with customers through messages and feedback. Customers who want to buy must first purchase the Trimpo Token, which is the original currency of the ecosystem. Digital currency will go into the purchase of goods that Trimpo market, pay fees and access the inventory price list

Benefits of Trimpo

The growth of e-commerce - with the world becoming connected, Trimpo hopes to provide an alternative e-commerce system and ultimately make it part of the market.
Cost reduction - through cryptocurrency, the Trimpo Marketplace dramatically reduces the amount of costs by third-party intermediaries used with traditional sites
The unlimited structure allows traders and customers from all over the world to buy and sell, thus achieving trade globalization.
Provision of analysis by Trimpo BigData portal provides insightful information for merchants on any product.
Competitive prices - with some traders in the Trimpo market, customers get the option to choose the best value for their money.
Income opportunities for customers under CPA and CPC programs.

Detail of ICO Trimpo Token

Starting May 15, 2018, to June 12, 2018

Soft Cap 2000 ETH
Hard Cap-5000 ETH
Main ICO Sales
Starting June 22, 2018 to August 31, 2018

Hard Cap 125,000 ETH
Soft Cap- 30.000 ETH


Model- ERC20
Price- 1 TRIMPO = 1/400 ETH
Total supply-500 million TRIMPO
Number of distribution-
Hard Cap
A soft hat
Purchase terms - 1 token TRIMPO or 0.0025 ETH
Limitation - No

ICO Fund Distribution

Market development - 30%
Marketing and sales - 30%
Customer support - 15%
Partnership - 10%
Administration - 5%
Legal costs - 4%
Spending - 6%

Is Trimpo a Reasonable Project?
With Trimpo.org ready to operate, the ICO Trimpo project looks like a legitimate competitor in the world of e-commerce. However, a significant point of concern lies in the development team because it seems smaller for such an impact project. Overall the concept of Trimpo has a strong background and can ultimately turn into an impact in the future.

well that's all I know about this project is TRIMPO this.
what has been conveyed this hopefully can be useful for all and useful for the nation if there is a mistake of the word I sya apologize for magnitude

wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

More information:
WEBSITE: https://trimpo.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://trimpo.io/documents/Trimpo_whitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TrimpoPage
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TrimpoPage
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/DB7JKA9GxeU8KwErA8XZ5w

Information about me is below:


Greetings to the whole community, I'm in love with cryptographic coins and followers of good projects. In this new publication, I would like to introduce the project Hirego. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but Blockgo's rentgo is the coolest, and for more details, let's go to the following topics:

If we look at how society has evolved, from tribal societies we move to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world, due to the advent of technology. and internet.

Decentralized platform for sharing vehicles

Reinventing car sharing using smart contracts and blockchain
Sharing cars offers the convenience and freedom of car ownership without expensive purchases and maintenance. The decentralized HireGo application will make car rentals and car rentals more accessible, secure and convenient than ever before. HireGo is the default setting, being the first to create a DApp car that runs on Ethereum testnet.


The use of a blockchain-based user identity solution provides assurance that platform users are genuine and reliable. Comments and comments made by users will also be stored in the blockchain, creating an irrefutable record of user behavior.


HireGo allows individuals and businesses to create communities within the app so they can decide who to share their cars with.

Smart contract

The use of smart contracts, contract codes that run on the Ethereum network, eliminates the need for intermediaries, and allows users to perform transactions that are unreliable.

Ready for IoT

When the car becomes the future version of the next HireGo contract, it allows physical access to the vehicle to be governed by possession of the necessary tokens.


The decline in ownership of traditional cars began as more people turned to ride.
Increased car purchase and maintenance costs, worsening traffic and pollution and lack of parking spaces are important factors in the continuation of this trend.
By decentralizing car distribution, we make them more accessible, safe and comfortable than ever before.


The HireGo app , soon to be released for iOS, Android and Web, will allow users with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology to easily access HireGo's rental platforms and start signing up for vehicles or searching for cars available for rental.

  • HGO Tokens and Smart Contracts will be used for all transactions. Users can convert to and from other currencies in the application.
  • Users can access the HireGo platform from anywhere in the world.
  • For more information on smart applications and contracts, see our white paper.
  • Our beta dapp is available on Rinkeby in demo.hir $ io


Soon after, we will register HireGo on some encrypted currency exchanges. More details will be announced in the near future.


Join our team and buy your TOKENS Rentgo and enjoy the benefits offered by the most advantageous platform on the market. Do not waste more time and be part of our Telegram group so you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Do not miss this great opportunity offered by the project Hirego.

Enjoy the bonuses available in the early stages of pre-sale. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE to learn more about the benefits of this great project.

 For more information and to join the social networks of HireGo, follow one of the following links:


Movieschain - is a powerful and reliable platform based on the world's first blockchain technology

Movieschain  - is a powerful and reliable platform based on the world's first blockchain technology, this platform will contact independent filmmakers with experts. Innovations in independent film distribution, MoviesChain by TVzavr centralize the global film distribution industry and deliver unlimited global efficiency, transparency and scalability unmatched.

The MoviesChain by the TVzavr platform, based on blockchain technology solves many problems associated with the independent film industry (generating annual sales figures of $ 20 billion): Independent filmmakers struggle to generate profit About 50% of income goes into intermediaries.

Losses related to copyright infringement and piracy.
The freedom of the audience to choose limited content
The market is dominated by Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and other services
There is no access to content that emigrated outside of the main streaming conglomerate
giving rapid growth in the online film industry

Currently, the global box office growth rate is gradually slowing down. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) revealed that over the past five years, the global box office revenue volume grew at an average rate of only 1.5% per year, with 60-70% coming from international distribution (Figure 1). The decline in film revenue can be explained by several factors, such as increased economic problems in certain areas, informatization of the community through wider Internet use, mobile device sales growth, and global spread of Internet piracy, as well as changes in media consumption habits due to shifting generations in developed countries and growing.

According to IHS Markit, about 164,000 cinemas are screened in the world, up 8% from 2015. Over 90% of these theaters are digital. Leader in terms of growth in the number of theatrical screens in the Asia-Pacific region, which has increased by 18% since 2015 (Figure 2).

As the audience declines in traditional cinemas, the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that the online video entertainment industry is one of the leaders of economic growth (Figure 3).

The ZVR Token is one of the cryptocurrencies created for exclusive access to movies made by independent filmmakers. ZVR Tokens are also designed to eliminate film distribution issues, acting as a medium of exchange in MoviesChain by the TVzavr platform. ZVR tokens allow to watch or purchase video content and give viewers access to high quality movies. With the help of transparent financial accounting methods, as well as attractive pricing policies,

MoviesChain by TVzavr restore confidence to independent filmmakers as well as give them the freedom to create. In addition, to improve the quality of customer service and to attract viewers, this platform provides additional compensation for ZVR token holders with an allocation of 10% of total revenue (in fiat and in cryptocurrency) of projects for bonus programs.


MovieChain's mission from TVzavr is to provide independent filmmakers with a transparent system to distribute content in captivating global financial conditions, providing customers with affordable, independent film quality. FilmChain by TVzavr will also effectively connect the audience with independent filmmakers and large studios.
Since 2009, tvzavr (MoviesChain developer) provides video-on-demand (VoD) services. Our company currently broadcast video entertainment to millions of people either directly or through partner platforms owned by the company. By 2017, tvzavr has 30 million unique users per month, with paid content that is watched over 365 million and 10 million dollars in revenue for tvzavr. Telecom Daily reports that users recognize TVzavr as the best entertainment content provider in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

ZVR is currently the only source of cryptres based on the blockade, designed to provide exclusive access to movies made by independent film producers. ZVR is currently also designed to eliminate inefficiencies in the independent film distribution industry, acting as an exchange platform on MoviesChain from TVzavr means. the ZVR icon allows to rent or purchase video content on a platform using MoviesChain TVzavr, which allows each user to have access to quality content. In fact, MovieChain from TVzavr, using built-in, constant, transparent accounting methods and attractive pricing, will restore confidence and confidence in the original creator, thus ensuring freedom of artistic expression. Other than that,


The token trading will take place in 5 stages. In the first stage, only whitelist can accept tokens.
You can use a whitelist by submitting personal information to this site.
• The third whitelist will receive a 25% bonus. The rest of the whitelist received a 20% bonus.
• The second stage has a 15% bonus for tokens.
• The third stage has a 10% bonus.
• The fourth stage has a 5% bonus to a free token
• The fifth stage has a 3% free bonus.

Bonus of up to 10% will be awarded for the amount of bills purchased:

• 10 000 - 50 000 ZVR - + 3% free tokens
• 50 000 - 150 000 ZVR - + 5% free tokens
• 150 000 - 350 000 ZVR - + 7% free tokens
• over 350,000 ZVR - + 10% of free tokens
Currently, the global box office growth rate is gradually slowing down. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) revealed that over the past five years, the global box office revenue volume grew at an average rate of only 1.5% per year, with 60-70% coming from international distribution (Figure 1). The decline in film revenue can be explained by several factors, such as increased economic problems in certain areas, informatization of the community through wider Internet use, mobile device sales growth, and global spread of Internet piracy, as well as changes in media consumption habits due to shifting generations in developed countries and growing.

Website:  https://www.movieschain.io/
Ann:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2954653
Bounty:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3152436.0
Whitepaper:  https://www.movieschain.io/whitepaper/
Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trSXhZ8m3wA
Telegram:  https://t.me/movieschain
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/movieschain
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/movies_chain/


Senin, 28 Mei 2018

flyCARE - Apa itu flyCARE?

Halo teman-teman semua dan para investor dan pencinta cryptocurrency dimanapun Anda berada, semoga Anda selalu sehat. kali ini saya akan menjelaskan platfom "FlyCARE" yang baru dirilis oleh sebuah perusahaan.

Apa itu flyCARE?
flyCARE menawarkan penyedia layanan perawatan pribadi solusi unik yang mengintegrasikan platform kontak dan aplikasi, tetapi juga, melalui flyBOX, semua perangkat keras dan bahan habis pakai yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan layanan.

revolusi tiga kali: untuk pasien, praktisi dan industri perawatan.
Membuka akses ke perawatan sambil menawarkan peluang baru bagi para profesional (flyPRO).

Siapa yang tidak memimpikan dirawat langsung di dokter gigi, di kantor atau di akhir pekan? FlyCare memperbarui perawatan di rumah sebagai alternatif yang layak untuk perawatan kantor. Proyek ini lahir dari pengakuan: transportasi barang dan semua orang. Bank dan industri hotel telah diubah oleh benda-benda yang terhubung dan jaringan sosial. Namun, perawatan rumah saat ini sangat tidak sesuai dengan kebiasaan baru dalam hal perawatan dan konsumsi dalam menghadapi ekonomi yang semakin fleksibel dan bergerak.

FlyCare adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda membuat janji dengan cara sederhana untuk menerima perawatan di rumah. The FlyBox, sementara itu, adalah bahan yang dirancang untuk perawatan di rumah, ergonomis, higienis dan dapat diadaptasi untuk beberapa profesi (kedokteran gigi, chiropody, hairdressing, dll. 21 profesi secara total hingga saat ini). Kualitas peduli untuk semua orang, kapan saja, di mana saja, dengan harga terbaik, setelah satu klik.

Kombinasi perangkat keras FlyBox yang revolusioner, aplikasi FlyCare dan platform logistik memungkinkan penggandaan layanan. Untuk pengasuh, itu adalah solusi lengkap, mudah digunakan yang memungkinkan untuk aktivitas baru, secara paralel atau purna waktu, tanpa investasi besar. Bagi pasien, itu adalah kesempatan untuk menerima, di rumah atau di mana saja, perawatan yang berkualitas, harga yang kompetitif tanpa kekhawatiran perjalanan atau organisasi untuk semua individu dan keluarga.

Didanai dengan 2 juta euro dari dana sendiri, proyek ini akan diluncurkan pada 2018. Fase industrialisasi telah dimulai.

Fitur penawaran flyCARE:
Aplikasi aplikasi flyCARE di sync dengan ekonomi digital dan mode baru dari konsumsi. Peralatan yang dirancang untuk perawatan di rumah, dengan ergonomis dan kebersihan yang revolusioner (flyBOX). Logika dinamis dan inovatif yang disesuaikan dengan bahan habis pakai yang digunakan setiap hari oleh profesional perawatan dan selaras dengan tren di industri yang relevan . Dalam kemitraan dengan industri konsumsi, profesional perawatan dapat mengakses pekerjaan praktis / melanjutkan pendidikan untuk mengasah keterampilannya. flyCARE memberikan profesional perawatan dengan akses ke perangkat keras flybox tanpa investasi awal.

Platform aman untuk transaksi keuangan serta untuk profil pengguna dan pengasuh profesional. flyCARE menyediakan salah satu dari tingkat konektivitas kesehatan yang paling gesekan. Dengan kekuatan kontrak cerdas dan otorisasi otomatis memberikan akses ke beragam rangkaian layanan melalui infrastruktur digital. Meskipun sistem saat ini tidak terbuka untuk sepenuhnya mendukung keamanan dan interoperabilitas, sistem flyCARE memenuhi semua tantangan ini, dan itu bisa menjadi jawaban untuk mobilitas perawatan kesehatan.

Dengan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain Ethereum, yang memungkinkan penerbitan token “utilitas”, flyCARE akan menciptakan cryptocurrency sendiri, the flyCARE Coin (FCC). Melalui aplikasi, komunitas flyCARE akan menggunakan mata uang ini di seluruh dunia sebagai metode pembayaran seluler. Ini menjamin tingkat integritas dan keamanan yang tinggi, dan menghapus biaya perantara dari semua transaksi yang dihasilkan dalam ekosistem flyCARE, sesuai dengan praktik terbaik yang diterapkan untuk jenis platform ini. Pembayaran kartu kredit secara bertahap akan diganti dengan pembayaran FCC, suatu perubahan yang akan memberikan banyak manfaat dibandingkan dengan metode pembayaran tradisional.

Token ERC20

Platform flyCARE akan menggunakan token FCC sebagai alat pembayaran.
Kontrak Pintar
Ini bergantung pada teknologi Blockchain untuk membuat syarat dan ketentuan eksekusi mereka tidak dapat digunakan.
Integritas Transaksi
Pendaftaran transaksi (dalam FCC) akan dilakukan dalam daftar yang tidak dapat diganggu gugat yang dibagikan oleh semua pengguna, memastikan ketertelusuran permanen mereka.
Validasi otomatis
Platform flyCARE secara otomatis akan memverifikasi bahwa kondisi terpenuhi dan kemudian melaksanakan ketentuan kontrak yang sesuai (mendebit aset digital pelanggan dan mengkredit flyPROs).

Informasi Token:
Ticker - FCC
Platform- Ethereum
Menerima - ETH
Tingkat harga - 1 FCC = 0,2 EUR
Jumlah persediaan - 200.000.000
Hard Cap - 26 juta USD
Soft Cap- 1 Juta USD
Obral ICO - 65%
Dana cadangan - 25%
Tim dan penasihat - 10%
Token presale - 14 Mei hingga 10 Juni 2018
Proses presale token adalah penjualan eksklusif untuk kontributor pertama. Jumlah maksimum token tersedia untuk dijual selama presale adalah 32.500.000 (25% token terjual). Untuk mengaktifkan penjualan token, premi akan ditawarkan kepada kontributor pertama, yang akan mengambil bagian dari fase ini. Kontributor yang memasuki proses pra-penjualan akan menerima diskon 20% selama minggu 1 dan minggu 2, dan 15% selama minggu 3 dan minggu 4.

Penjualan token utama - Dari 11 Juni hingga 14 Juli 2018
Proses penjualan token adalah crowdsale dan akan menargetkan semua kontribusi publik. Jumlah maksimum token yang dijual pada tahap ini adalah 97.500.000 (75% token terjual). Untuk mendorong penjualan semua token, kontribusi menurun akan ditawarkan kepada kontributor sebagai berikut: Kontributor yang memasuki proses penjualan akan menerima diskon 10% selama minggu 5 dan 5% selama minggu ke 6.

Semoga apa yang saya jelaskan di atas dapat berguna untuk menjadi referensi Anda dalam memilih untuk bergabung dengan proyek "FlyCare", untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi tautan berikut.

Situs web: https://flycare.com/
Whitepaper: https://flycare.com/assets/FC-White%20paper-02-05-18-EN_double_en_continu.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com / care_fly
Sedang: https://medium.com/@flycare
Telegram: https://t.me/flyCARE


Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

MPCX - Digital crypto wealth management


Today the crypto market is a huge market with over $ 400 billion market capitalization. To buy and sell cryptocurrency using OTC facilities or directly on multiple digital exchanges around the world. Substantial market demand in crypto assets is seen from two groups: Ordinary investors and innovative investors,

Innovative investors are entrepreneurs living in the crypto world and paying rent, getting paid bonuses, buying goods at stores and calculating their digital wealth in terms of ETH, BTC or other cryptocurrencies.
And of course for innovative investors still find problems, including:
- Availability of transparent and high quality digital wealth management services;
- Widening of insufficient use cases for cryptocurrency;

Ordinary investors who have decided to invest in crypto assets also face a number of obstacles, and these hurdles include:
- There is a degree of difficulty in establishing banking relationships to work with cryptocurrency
- Difficulty performing a long verification process in building a crypto exchange account
- Not having or lack of knowledge and experience in investing in cryptocurrency
- The existence of slow innovation and digitalization of the traditional financial industry
- Gain the shortage of high-quality investment services for wealthy clients
- Has no transparency and risk associated with fraud, corruption, and data manipulation
- Gain limited access to alternative investments

From some of the problems faced by ordinary investors and innovative investors, there is certainly a bit of hope for the right solution. MPCX offers solutions to all the above mentioned problems.

We all believe and to know that the financial services should be transparent and designed to help people achieve their wealth goals. The FinTech community proposes solutions to many different problems, but when it comes to crypto-related assets there are several solutions available and this fact is of concern to early crypto users.

MPCX is a digital blockchain-driven financial services platform. The long-term goal of MPCX is to combine all the crypto financial services into one place.
In the short run, MPCX will create a blockchain decentralized ecosystem to manage an innovative investor portfolio of crypto assets. Based on the current market situation with huge demand for services and very limited financial management solutions, MPCX decided to create an MPCX Platform. The platform is designed to serve the needs of entities and individuals in the areas of digital wealth management, currency exchange and commerce, digital banking, crypto research and ICO promotion, and crypto lending.

The MPCX platform will be developed in three stages:
1. Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 - digital wealth management platform
2. December 2018 - Nov 2019 - exchange of cryptocurrency
3. December 2019 - July 2020 - Digital banking and managed wealth management platform

This platform will bring all of the following crypto services to one place:

Fully onboarding digital clients to reduce costs and provide clients with friendly service.

The digital currency of cryptocurrency in aggregate liquidity in TOP 100 currency is based on market capitalization.
Crypto payments, transactions, and banking solutions.
Custody and wallet solutions to provide secure security from client funds.
Three investmentable crypto indexes, AI crypto funds, ETN crypto, ICO.

The MPCX Trading Solutions will provide full access to product platforms and crypto exchange, arbitration systems, trading terminals, and reporting.
The Digital Wealth Management Platform will offer the Digital Intelligent Digital Investment Mandate undermine, automatic portfolio balancing, crypto lending strategy, and reporting.

The ICO MPCX promotional and research platform will offer two-tier access to ICO with full industry coverage.
The MPCX crypto lending platform will include borrowers scoring and matching loans with potential lenders.

XDMC Token

The XDMC Token will be a functional tool on the MPCX Platform and offer unique opportunities to participate in platform development.1. Hold XDMC2. Accept Votes3. Participate in Referendum4. RewardedBuy XDMC Token with BTC, ETH, LTC, ZCash, WavesXDMC Token will be used to pay for services within the platform. After XDMC Token becomes liquid and popular, it will be used as the internal currency for our banking services. At MPCX, we believe that the wisdom of the crowd is part of a new reality in which individuals can contribute to the common well-being of a community and be rewarded for their fair contribution.
We strongly believe that "crowd wisdom" will help us to create our platform to serve the best interests of our community. In this way the holder of the XDMC Token will have the opportunity to participate in network development.


The sales structure of the XDMC token

Tokenisation is the process by which real or digital assets and related rights are registered on a particular blockchain ledger. Technically a token is a registered value unit.

Token: XDMC
supply type: Fixed
Type: Utility Token
Total supply: 999,999,416
Pre ICO price: 1 ETH = 31000 XDMC
Min investment 0.1 ETH


MPCX has ambitious plans to disrupt and change the financial industry and we intend to make it happen in three stages.

First Stage: Digital Wealth Management Platform (DWM)

1Q 2017
Validation of research and Ideas

4Q 2017
First Infrastructure Solution with crypto assets

December 2017
Start the ICO preparation process
Hard Cap
ETH 1 000

May 2018
First ICO Round
Hard Cap
ETH 12 500
MVP release before end of Q2

July 2018
December 2018
Intelligent Digital Investment Mandate
3 Crypto investable index
AI Crypto Fund
Crypto ETN
Guard and Wallet

my profile : Habieredkill
my wallet  address : 0xd1F0326C7a8C3f959a46F9a4D49ad85082643B96

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

howdoo - what is howdoo?

Hasil gambar untuk howdoo ico

howdoo this time we will discuss about howdoo maybe you already know with this tau maybe you guys are part of howdoo, okay just go ahead we discuss hope not long opening this time.

 when we talk about this type of platform, the main concern will be the privacy issue. Of course you do not want to share your information with the public, your first priority is the trusted platform where you talk to others or share your feelings or anything that should be in your control to whom you want to enjoy your activities. Undoubtedly, social media today is a great source of entertainment as well as information and also connects you with friends

You and help you in finding new friends but still have no serious problem solving privacy issues. a centralized system exposes you to a third person who can use your data or sell it to others so you really do not realize it. The modern decentralization system now lets you control your activities. Many developers are working on this issue and

Howdoo is the person who became successful in solving this problem by building a platform where users will not be afraid about their data or their activity. They are free to talk, share, and can control their activities. In addition to this they will benefit the people who deserve it.
Related image

All of us are aware that today our internet privacy and safety are compromised. By using big social media platforms, like Facebook, we are giving them the approval to take our private data and sell it to the best bidder. Even some people say that there is a simple solution for this problem - "Just don't use the internet!" We all know that in 2018 this is not possible if you want to have any social life and don't turn out to be a paranoid freak.

Thanks to the blockchain technology we are now provided with a real solution for this problem. Your online communication and social media presence can remain active while your privacy will not be threatened. The project that's giving privacy back in our hands is called HOWDOO.

What is Howdoo?
At its core, Howdoo is blockchain based social media and massaging platform. It is also new generation ecosystem that's merging users of the platform with content creators and advertisers in more democratized, transparent and fair new digital world. Howdoo creators developed all important features to create a modern social network of a new generation that will provide its users with a perfect tool for their online presence.
Howdoo is the person who became successful in solving this problem by building a platform where users will not be afraid about their data or their activity. They are free to talk, share, and can control their activities. In addition to this they will benefit the people who deserve it.


With Howdoo platform you will be able to experience social networking and to message free from advertising. On the other hand, if you decide to allow advertising, you will be paid for doing that. The same concept will apply to your private data. Old generation social media and online communication platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WeChat and others made billions of USD on their user's data, without sharing any of that profit with them. With Howdoo all online data you create is in your hands, and it is up to you what to do with it. If you decide to make it available to the public, you will be paid for that, same as for allowing advertisement.

One more big change and difference between old generation social media companies and the new decentralized platforms is in their attitude to content creators. On Howdoo platform creators will share advertising revenue with a platform. Not just share, but take a major part of the profit, going up to 75% for content creators.
Even there are already several blockchain based projects aiming at the similar market Howdoo is leaving an impression of well taught one, with all major elements developed to create a perfect social network platform. There are many more interesting details about this project, like a µDoo wallet, teller network or democratic moderation system that you can read about in HOWDOO WHITEPAPER.


Howdoo public presale starts at nine days, and you can already apply for it on their WEBSITE. Price per one µDoo token will be 0.10$, with 50% discount during private presale phase and 20% discount for public presale. Maximum supply of tokens is 888,888,888, and 38.5% will be released to public creating a hard cap of a little bit more than $25 million. Howdoo team is accepting Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin as payment assets during ICO process. According to their roadmap, Alpha 1.1 has already been released, and development of platform will continue through this year. The official public launch is expected in March of 2019.

Creators and advertisers will benefit from using their skills, efforts and capabilities to generate content that attracts advertisers and improves subscription units that increase the value of the content. This platform has many additional features that give users the option of whether they want to see specific ads. So in this way they can manage the content and advertising of their own choice. Rewards for content creation provide an opportunity for many individuals to earn income through business that is not possible on other platforms but this will allow beginners to be able to use their skills and can enter in online e-commerce.

How to encourage participation not only this but also useful in it. Participation can come in many ways by sharing content or to chat with friends and family. Each touch of a button will generate revenue added to the individual wallet so that in this way the money will return to the user. Howdoo also solves money transfer problems because it includes many additional costs and spends too much time. So by using blockchain technology it also solves this problem which ensures safe and fast transactions and also eliminates additional costs and costs. So in short connect people around the world and give them a chance to produce.

This company has a pretty special commercial value in every exchange. Offering ease to potential investors is one of the things a company can rank the cryptocurrency in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and, at the same time, is a roadmap that identifies whether the company is really paying attention to investors in the future. potential.

If you are looking for a market as a place to trade currencies, this is a solution you can take as one of the key options in the cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It comes with the latest blockchain platform technology. Howdoo is one of the commercial currency markets and the exchange of crypts through a market democracy system, which has great benefits for shareholder profits. Not only does Howdoo have an advantage here that can be explained better than other markets as a place to trade with cryptography.

How a new trading platform is based on successful blockchain methods that show the market and change the functioning of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its platform as a way to support the negotiation process of some remarkable types of resources. In addition, this platform also uses cryptocurrency known as Token trading.

Developers expect to create large liquidity targets that keep the Token operations in the interest of the token holder. The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in the transformation of various financial assets with blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this trading site, I am confident that with the founder's creative experience and ideas, you can continue to invest and start trading or exchange that will surely offer you great benefits and benefits for you personally.

The future of the Howdoo platform as a first generation platform that offers solutions to investor problems that can not be timely and anytime changes in cryptographic market changes or high and low cryptographic prices commonly make this platform searchable for potential users They are ready to receive automated notifications on the device their mobile. the world without leaving a minimum of its activities. The goal is to build ecosystems that conceptualize mutual benefits between merchants and users, as well as platforms that can continue to help revenue stability. To solve the problems investors often face, Howdoo must solve them by offering smart solutions with platforms that help with performance and easy access to your account.

okay maybe this is all I can write for this time and for more please click the link below :
